From left to right: Alex Chitty, it overwhelms, but it does not stop, 2016, powder coated steel, blackened walnut, brass, black marble, c-prints, plastic, cork, painted steel, terra cotta, cotton rope, 65" x 50" x 5"; Alex Chitty, Wintered, 2014, archival inkjet print in artist made cherry frame, 36" x 29"; Image courtesy of the Northern Illinois University Art Museum
Objectifying the Photograph
August 29 - October 20, 2017
Northern Illinois University Art Museum
116 Altgeld Hall
DeKalb, Illinois 60115
A group exhibition of contemporary artists broadening our definition of photography with artists: Pamela Bannos, Alex Chitty, Joshua Citarella, Jeanne Dunning, Min Kim Park, Letha Wilson and Hyounsang Yoo. Their work addresses the materiality, substance and objecthood of photography—drawing attention to the production and alteration of images in our post-modern, digital age.
ALEX CHITTY (b. 1979, Miami, FL) is an interdisciplinary artist based in Chicago. Chitty received a Bachelor of Fine Art from Smith College (MA) and a Master in Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she is a professor and lecturer in the Sculpture and Print media departments. Recent exhibitions include Stranger Things at DePaul Art Museum, Chicago IL;slight pitch at LUCE in Turin, Italy, the sun-drenched neutral that goes with everything at PATRON in Chicago, IL, Turning Spoons into Forksat Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, IL, Alex Chitty and Chris Bradleyat Shane Campbell Gallery in Chicago, IL , Orchid at ADDS DONNA in Chicago, IL, The Way They Wanted to Sleep (2013) at Andrew Rafacz Gallery in Chicago, IL, Alex Chitty: Recent Workat Corbett vs. Dempsey in Chicago, IL.

From left to right: Alex Chitty, it overwhelms, but it does not stop, 2016, powder coated steel, blackened walnut, brass, black marble, c-prints, plastic, cork, painted steel, terra cotta, cotton rope, 65” x 50” x 5”; Alex Chitty, Wintered, 2014, archival inkjet print in artist made cherry frame, 36" x 29"; Image courtesy of the Northern Illinois University Art Museum

Alex Chitty, Wintered, 2014, archival inkjet print in artist made cherry frame, 36" x 29"; Image courtesy of the Northern Illinois University Art Museum