Dianna Frid and Monika Müller met seven years ago in a Sis­ter City artists’ exchange. Since then, they have trav­eled mul­ti­ple times across the Atlantic from Chicago to Lucerne to engage in an artis­tic dia­logue that has cemented their friend­ship and nur­tured their work. This year, each of their two cities are once again sites of exchange. In the spring, they pre­sented new work in a joint exhi­bi­tion, “The Reg­is­ters,” at Goldfinch Projects in Chicago. Now, a new iter­a­tion of works will be exhib­ited in Lucerne at the Alpineum Pro­duzen­ten­ga­lerie under the title “All Days Combined.”

“All Days Com­bined” brings together two strands of Müller’s and Frid’s works that reveal shared asso­ci­a­tions. Müller presents large for­mat graphite draw­ings from the Spek­trum series in which she applies graphite dust onto water­color paper with a lay­ered method anal­o­gous to painterly accu­mu­la­tions. Müller’s Spek­trum works evoke forms that emerge from a fog. These atmos­pheric works are slowly built from accu­mu­la­tions of over­laid gray and black tones to sug­gest thun­der­clouds, cos­mo­log­i­cal for­ma­tions, and hints of celes­tial bodies—moons, suns, galax­ies— all at once pos­si­ble and imag­i­nary. With her Text Tex­tiles series, Dianna Frid uses embroi­dery to tran­scribe words next to bold graphite con­fig­u­ra­tions. Thread and pen­cil form geo­met­ric pat­terns that heighten the mate­ri­al­ity of lan­guage while simul­ta­ne­ously slow­ing down our gram­mat­i­cal appre­hen­sion of it. The bold shapes in “Big Bang Uni­verse”, for exam­ple, sud­denly reveal graphemes inter­wo­ven between back­ground and col­ors. Lan­guage in the Text Tex­tiles, as it becomes grad­u­ally leg­i­ble, alludes to con­ceiv­able events in Monika Müller’s worlds.