The title for this exhibit stems from a common protest slogan in Spanish, “Quisieron enterrarnos sin saber que eramos semilla / They tried to bury us without knowing we were seeds”. This exhibition broadly explores the theme of “environments” and “the environment” to grapple with the concerns of Latinx, Latin American, and Caribbean peoples of different racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, and their distinct national identities, languages, and histories. Éramos Semilla explores the legacies of environmental racism, how local and historic racial climates create anti-blackness in Latinx communities, how coloniality compounds natural disasters, and how inhospitable environments for people with disabilities are actively being challenged. The works explored here engage questions of memory and the home as sites of resistance through indigenous practices, affirmations of queerness, femininity, and ancient language practices, alongside contemporary inquiries into moving image, the body, and voice as forms of decolonial praxis. The artists here embody truths. For them, decoloniality is not a metaphor, a theory, or an idea but a constant and uphill battle, a lifelong goal, an attainable and sustainable movement, a process, a way of life, and radical action.