Sintonías inestables: repensando la contemporaneidad pictórica, (Unstable Harmonies: Rethinking Pictorial Contemporaneity), from the transcendence of new artistic productions. These two new commissions to artists Noé Martínez and Ana Segovia, as well as the production developed by Artemio, intersect in the pictorial medium as a great witness of representation in the history of Western art. But, from where do the paintings speak in the 21st century?
The works presented here have the peculiarity of revisiting the past from a critical stance on its survival in current society while inviting us to reconsider our present.

Noé Martínez’s work originates from exploring and analyzing ancestral texts that witness the Spanish conquest and the history of slavery it unleashed in Huasteca culture. Through his pieces, he seeks to generate a visual and poetic evocation of those historical and political processes, tensioning the relationship between texts from the pre-Hispanic world and their repercussions int he present. Likewise, he addresses how this relationship influences identity vindication processes, demanding the survival of different cultural traits, forms of government and social organization.

Although the artist believes that discussing slavery in México is only possible through fragments -whether they be language, worldview, or family stories passed down from generation to generation - he highlights the importance of doing so. Since these elements are ingrained in how we relate to each other and position ourselves in the world, allowing us to reflect on our complexity, his works become both narratives of memory and wound as well as narratives of survival and resilience.

New commission for the Museum of Contemporary Art of Monterrey