
Portraits of Living Matter, in Brittany Nelson’s Photographic Works

Lancia Trend Visions / Jul 7, 2013 / Go to Original

Dispatches from an alien microscope, experiments from a secret laboratory, images of Jove’s gaseous belly. Chemistry is the main character in Brittany Nelson’s photographic works, which experiment with elaborate techniques like silver gelatin emulsion and mordançage.

The latter of which is a complex process, cited by Louis-Philippe Clerc in the book La Technique Photographique, and that became applied art only in the 60s with Jean-Pierre Sudre.

Similar to Polaroid emulsion lifts, mordançage produces a “degraded” and seasoned effect on Brittany’s photographs, where the whites stand out surrounded by yellow or bronzed “veils”.

You can admire them in person at David Klein Gallery in Birmingham, Michigan.