
Caroline Kent: Paradox

Get Familiar Magazine / Sep 12, 2024 / by Editors / Go to Original

“Coupling her abstract visual language with ideas of a literal language, abstract painter Caroline Kent offers a new and paradoxical perspective through her work. Daughter to an African-American father and a Latinx mother, her work questions what happens if her abstract art is itself a language. What if every shape, colour, and form she uses are letters from a new visual alphabet? What if they collectively form words, or even sentences, that then communicate not only with the viewer, but also with the surrounding art pieces, objects, and furniture? What if she were to design an entire space using this language, such that the artwork on the wall is in-conversation with, for example, the books on the bookshelf, as well as the walls that have incisions in them?”

Read the rest of the interview with Caroline Kent in Get Familiar Magazine Issue 06: